Thursday, September 1, 2011

sociology applied to my life

When I reflected this week about sociological mindfulness, I started thinking about the books I had to read over the summer for English. They were both very cultural, but at the time, I didn't really acknowledge the open window those books provided. When I was reading, however, about how being sociologically mindful, I realized that it meant being truly open-minded to other people's cultures and beliefs, rather than judging them or comparing them with my own. After when I decided to think back to The Life of Pi, I realized how open Pi was and how his religious practices were really fascinating. He wasn't blindly believing in Hinduism just because he was Indian. He had learned about other faiths with an open mind and practiced not only Hinduism, but Christianity, and Islam. His culture alone was extremely interesting, but because I was able to read about his life, I was able to get an understanding of why he chose to practice all of those faiths. I think that being sociologically mindful is to be able to really place yourself in another person's shoes and to try and understand them without judgment.

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