Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Why desire for economic security is not being met: In his third year of college, he has over $41,000 in debt not including interest, is working 4 minimum wage jobs while taking an overload of college credits, and his school didn't hold up its end in financial aid
More fair situation: Equal opportunity for education, meaning some don't suffer the consequences of debt while others born rich have none
Relates to social class: This person had previously only needed one person as the financial supporter of the family, and he was making above average income, but all of their bills caused them to live paycheck to paycheck so middle class seems to feel like lower class 
Chose this image: It frustrates me to see that no matter how hard a student may try in school and may prove his or her intelligence, it may only end up hurting them to take the risk of being in debt after college because they aren't guaranteed a job. It also made me upset that such smart kids were forced to attend community college, like so many people I know, when they have much more promise than many students attending the big universities. 

Why desire for economic security is not being met: This person has been working the same job since they were 17 because and can't afford a college education, so they're stuck working 50+ hours a week, barely having enough to get by
More fair situation: Equal access to education for all. It's not fair that some people don't have parents to help them afford college and have to make it on their own, and it's not fair that they have to rely on loans and take the risk of having huge debt and no job after college
Relates to social class: This person has been stuck in a lower class because they can't afford an education and have been working the same job since they were 17! It's nearly impossible for social mobility to occur without any education
Chose this Image: The reality of how impossible social mobility is for some people really struck me. It's not fair that some people are born into better situations, while others have to work their butts off just to get enough groceries, not daring to hope for a college education


Why desire for economic security is not being met: Forced to work 50-60 hours per week at two jobs and still has to choose between health and paying for mortgage. They have to try and save everything they can while also trying not to fall behind in paying their bills. 
More fair situation: Health insurance for all, jobs for all and the guarantee of social security benefits in the future
relates to social class: this person also is stuck, with no hope for social mobility, but can only hope that they will be able to retire at some point before they die and have the benefits of social security
chose this image: It is amazing how much one person can work and how much they have to take on for their whole family, yet they are guaranteed nothing in the future. No social mobility. No stability in health insurance. 


Why desire for economic security is not being met: Despite having a graduate degree, this person still has to work 3 jobs and is forced to live paycheck to paycheck, while supporting her whole family
More fair situation: It's one thing to say jobs for all, but also to earn what your job deserves and which allows for social mobility. Everyone should have equal opportunity for success. If her passion is teaching, she shouldn't have to hesitate to take a job as a teacher because the wage doesn't match the value of the job  
relates to social class: This person has 3 respectable jobs and is stuck where she's at, living paycheck to paycheck.   
chose this image: The pay of jobs need to actually match their value-she is a teacher who also is an interpreter and braille processor, which are really respectable jobs that influence many people's lives, yet she can hardly provide for her family.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Positive Deviance

Positive deviance is doing something completely unexpected or out of the norm, that benefits someone else. Because it's not considered a "normal" act of kindness, it often takes courage to do a positive deviant act. Julio Diaz, for example, put himself in potential danger just so he could help a mugger. He not only gave the mugger his wallet, but offered his coat and took the mugger to dinner. In the end, his wallet was returned because the effect of his deviant act was so powerful, that the mugger was moved to be kind back.  What I decided to do for my positive deviant act was to write a kind note on the mirror of the girls' bathroom. I know that as a freshman, I cared a lot about what I looked like, straightening my hair almost every day and always wearing makeup, and I was one of those girls that was checking the mirror between classes. Either the end of Freshmen year or the beginning of Sophomore year, however, I noticed this note in the bathroom one day. It had some kind of sweet reminder that the reader is beautiful, and even though I knew that it wasn't directed specifically at me, I began to feel less inclined to try so hard. I also began to listen more to the opinions of the people who cared about me, and saw me for who I truly am. Because I've learned to look at myself through the eyes of the people that care about me, rather than look at myself way more critically than anyone else would, I've gained a lot more confidence and self appreciation. I really wanted others to feel the same way, so I took post-it notes and wrote "YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, you don't need makeup to prove it" and "believe it" and such. I was actually really embarrassed about putting up the note in case anyone saw that it was me, but luckily, I knew the only girl that was in the bathroom. I felt really good when I walked out, hoping that even if a lot of girls blow it off and don't think twice about the note, there's bound to be at least one person who had the same reaction I had when I saw a similar note my freshman or sophomore year. I really hope that's the case and that whoever she may be gains more confidence and in turn wants to help others feel better about themselves too. The cool thing about positive deviance is that once you start you don't want to stop, especially when you've been a victim of positive deviance. The fact that it is so normal for girls to wear a ton of makeup and conceal how they actually look really bothers me because I don't think girls should have to dislike how they really look. Our culture teaches us to strive for an impossible ideal, but I think that what we really need to strive for is the ability to love ourselves, and hopefully my act of positive deviance can help someone or multiple people to ignore what our culture teaches us about self image.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

gender vs sex

When Jhally talks about how gender is displayed in ads and that "it is only when we start to look at them carefully that we begin to see how strange and weird they actually are..." I agreed completely. I'm so used to seeing women touch their hair and face in ads, and they always have such a vulnerable appearance. I always thought that I was good at spotting differences gender display, but its amazing how the most subtle actions seem normal for a woman to do but would seem strange if a man did or vice versa. For example, I think it's weird that men are always seen upright and staring into the camera confidently or looking calm and in control, whereas women are always looking innocent and nervous or fragile. They are almost never seen standing completely straight with legs straight and arms loose or crossed the way men are often portrayed. Instead they are usually sprawled out looking helpless or otherwise looking sexual and dependent. I thought that I didn't do much of these gender displays because I'm not embarrassed to be know a lot about football and burp in front of my friends or occasionally do thinks that aren't considered feminine, but I realized I subconsciously do some feminine gender displays. In pictures for dances, I pose like a girl, sometimes turning my body, but never standing totally square footed with my arms crossed or down. Also, I know that I touch my hair and face a lot, but guys never do that. It's so weird to me how society displays their gender through their actions without even realizing it. The ads we saw looked so normal, nobody would think they're weird unless they see men in the same poses the women were shown in. I think a lot has definitely changed, but society is still pretty homophobic and people tend to use gender display without even thinking about it.