Thursday, November 3, 2011

gender vs sex

When Jhally talks about how gender is displayed in ads and that "it is only when we start to look at them carefully that we begin to see how strange and weird they actually are..." I agreed completely. I'm so used to seeing women touch their hair and face in ads, and they always have such a vulnerable appearance. I always thought that I was good at spotting differences gender display, but its amazing how the most subtle actions seem normal for a woman to do but would seem strange if a man did or vice versa. For example, I think it's weird that men are always seen upright and staring into the camera confidently or looking calm and in control, whereas women are always looking innocent and nervous or fragile. They are almost never seen standing completely straight with legs straight and arms loose or crossed the way men are often portrayed. Instead they are usually sprawled out looking helpless or otherwise looking sexual and dependent. I thought that I didn't do much of these gender displays because I'm not embarrassed to be know a lot about football and burp in front of my friends or occasionally do thinks that aren't considered feminine, but I realized I subconsciously do some feminine gender displays. In pictures for dances, I pose like a girl, sometimes turning my body, but never standing totally square footed with my arms crossed or down. Also, I know that I touch my hair and face a lot, but guys never do that. It's so weird to me how society displays their gender through their actions without even realizing it. The ads we saw looked so normal, nobody would think they're weird unless they see men in the same poses the women were shown in. I think a lot has definitely changed, but society is still pretty homophobic and people tend to use gender display without even thinking about it.

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